Monday, December 6, 2010


收到了一则坏消息。当我知道的时候我真的呆了! 突然有很多‘为什么’出现在我脑海里。

我朋友的妈妈过世了!真不懂要怎么安慰, 要说些什么, 做些什么。希望他节哀顺便。

我 傻了。不懂要说什么。 总之,希望auntie 在另一个世界开心点,放心你的儿女,他们都长大了,会照顾自己了。

went to visit just now, and i start missing my grandpa. every scene of the day 1.2.2009 (chinese new year day 7) appear in my mind. the day he leave us is so sudden.

After my grandpa passed away, everything changes including the relationship between my uncles is not as close as last time. We used to be so close and celebrate CNY, X'mas or sem break together. But now, every one is busy with own things. Things change when time flies. How good if there is a machine that allow us to go back to the past and the happiness would never end. I think a lot and start emo when the memories fly through my mind. I wish to catch them but i couldn't. I really miss my grandpa who are in heaven now. He is the perfect man in my mind, perfect grandpa, perfect husband for ah ma, perfect dad for his son. I believe he is still in our heart no matter where we are. I do mistakes. The mistakes which is not allow in our Wee's family. Kong, can you listen to my heart? You know what am i doing right? You understand why these happened right? Please show me the right path. I've lost. And i miss you. How are you there? Ah ma is fine in Miri. I believe she miss you too. Kong, please don't let us lost your news. Come to our dream just like what you did. I really wish to see you in my dream again. I miss you.

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